Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

We devote primary attention to the promotion of gender equality. By virtue of this commitment, we collaborate with Parks - Liberi e Uguali (Free and Equal) and Valore D, two associations with which we have embarked on a path related to the recognition of the richness of diversity and the importance of conscious inclusion, both inside and outside the office. This collaboration continues to this day in a series of training and awareness events linked by a single objective and common thread: to contribute to spreading a culture of respect and inclusion, spreading and promoting any type of diversity, whether it concerns sexual orientation or gender identity, age, sex, or disability.

In 2022, we proposed to all employees three webinars dedicated to the topics of "Mindset and micro-diversity", "Linguistic intelligence and inclusion" and "Filters, prejudice and judgments that create inclusion", which were included in the internal communication project "Awareness takes shape".